About The Site

1. From where did you get the photographs?

All of the photographs are captured by us, with the exception of the images in the infographics.

2. Can I use the photos?

Yes! Just please credit our site.

3. I found an error on the website. What should I do?

Please find us on the Contact page and tell us where the mistake is by submitting a comment. We appreciate it when you find our mistakes! As amateurs, we still have much learning to do. Please enlighten us with your knowledge!

4. How do I visit these plant locations?

Most of the plants we have blogged about or photographed for our collection are located in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Map of the plant locations can be found here. Information on visiting the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas can be found here.

About Plants

1. What is botany?

The OED says that botany is the “scientific study of the physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance of plants” OR the “plant life of a particular region, habitat, or geological period.”

Put simply, botany is the study of plants.

2. What is included in the kingdom Plantae?

The kingdom Plantae, in common language, refers to flowers, trees, bushes, herbs, grasses, ferns, mosses, algae, vines, and, yes, vegetables. In scientific terms, the kingdom Plantae includes 4 phylum: Angiospermorphyta (flowering plants), Coniferophyta (conifers), Filicinophyta (ferns), and Bryophyta (moss).

The kingdom Plantae does not include fungi or bacteria. So, no, mushrooms are not plants, and neither is E. Coli.

3. Where can I learn more about botany?

Glad you asked! Check out our resources pages for a botanical deluge, found here. Also, head outside and look closely at the plants around you — whether they are dry grasses, common trees, or tiny flowers that you call “weeds.” Maybe you will find something interesting!

4. How do I identify plants?

Hmm, this one is tricky. Field guides may help, as well as plant identification apps (e.g. iNaturalist), but more often than not one cannot be absolutely sure of a plant species unless you can confirm with an expert. It is even more difficult to identify a plant if it is a hybrid of two species. However, by using a combination of these resources — your own close observation, guidebooks, websites, apps, and the input of plant-savvy friends, you can successfully and accurately identify plants. If you’re super curious and want to get a good guess of a plant, the subreddit r/whatsthisplant is good, too (many experts can be found there!).